RERISE は、日々いろいろな才能のネットワークをひろげていきミックスしていくことで、人と社会に変革をもたらすコンテンツをつくりだせると信じています。
We are RERISE, a creative content agency that brings new communication to people and brands.
In this age of content marketing, communication by businesses requires a different kind of sensitivity and diverse quality than in the past.
Under such circumstances, the role of RERISE in executing a brand’s communication strategy is to develop a “message,” or in other words “content,” that will prompt people into action.
RERISE provides clients with powerful support in content marketing by offering creative content using both digital and non-digital technologies including visuals, the web, video, events, and space displays.
Because RERISE is a small company, we can express our creative side without being restrained by existing processes. We believe in the importance of not only knowing what one is capable of but also knowing who is capable of doing what.
RERISE actively does work even in industries or genres with which we are unfamiliar or do not have experience, and we also reach out through our own events and the web.
By broadening and mixing our network of various talent on a daily basis, we believe in our ability to create content that will effect change in people and society.
加藤桂示/Keiji Kato Strategy Director, Founder
Born in 1968 in Saitama, I majored in mass communications at the Faculty of Arts and Literature, Seijo University, where I researched the methods of private detectives in hardboiled fiction at an Ishikawa seminar on social psychology. I started my career as an advertising sales representative for Sankei Living Shimbun and since founding RERISE I have been primarily working on creative content and communication planning. Drawing from my experience on collaborative projects with experts and promotions combining strategic PR and events, I have been handling content that focuses particularly on media message, scalability, and acceptability. Currently I collect Mini, Husky, and Bonsai on Pinterest.
小林和人/Kazuto KobayashiPlanner, Director
Born in 1978 in Tokyo, I spent ten years at an outdoor advertising company before joining RERISE in 2010. Utilizing the characteristics of outdoor advertising (signs), I aim for ads that “instantly communicate.” I create ads while never forgetting that “nobody wants to see ads.” Ads including TV and radio commercials and fliers flit about before one’s eyes on a daily basis. In this environment it would be great to be able to create ads that attract a double take from people. Included in my life work are exploring back alleys and researching town signs.
吉住佳都子/Kazuko YoshizumiPhotographer, Event Coordinator
現在は、宝塚OG・ミュージカル俳優のコンサートやライブ、クラシックバレエ、モダンバレエ等の舞台撮影と、ポートレート撮影を中心に活動している。また、撮影で出逢った方々の素晴らしい歌声や舞台を多くの皆様に届けたい! という想いから、宝塚OG・ミュージカル俳優を中心とした各種イベントを企画しています。
I began attending the theater including the Takarazuka Revue and musicals as a high school student. Currently I primarily photograph stage productions such as concerts and live events, classical ballet, and modern ballet with former Takarasiennes and musical actors, as well as portraits. I want to showcase the beautiful voices and stage productions I have encountered through photography to as many people as I can! Based on this desire I plan various events focusing on former Takarasiennes and musical actors.